Sunday, September 6, 2009


To kick off the weekend, D and I headed to a super fun concert at a cool venue called Red Butte Garden.

Representin' the Diet Coke, y'all!
SLC ladies, if you have never been to a concert there, you should go. It was way chill (and a little chilly, because it's outside), and it's really pretty. Red Butte usually features artists that are a little off the beaten path, and Thursday was right on tune with Booker T and the DBT's as well as my new favorite band, CRACKER!!

I vaguely recall hearing at least one of their songs before, but seeing them in concert was rad (does anyone say rad anymore?? I do!)! They have a really unique alterna-country-punk sound, and I totally dug it. It's no wonder I love their sound--the band's bio page states that their drummer, Frank Fuanro, had played with Joey Ramone. The Ramones! Duh, my all time favorite band ever! I got a CD and I even got to meet the band to get it signed but I was too shy (ah too shy, shy hush, hush eye to eye) to get a pic with all the dudes. Please incorporate these two songs into your download queue immediately:
Show Me How This Thing Works

Loves it.

On another cracker-related note, my cute little brother in law shares some of my experimentarianism and had ventured into a raw food store at my recommendation. He came out with these:

Raw Crackers

Little bro wasn't a fan, so he left them for me (Thanks Ollie!). These fascinating little crackers are cellophane thin sheets of savory flax seeds and dehydrated veggies. They were described by some others that I shared them with as "slimy," but I beg to differ. It's just the smooth feeling of flax seeds gliding over your tongue (which happens a lot because they are so smooth, they slip right between your teeth before you can mash em!) The flavor on these tastes a lot like a minestrone soup mix, and they are particularly tasty with hummmmmus. No, not the dessert kind, just regular.

These crackers are pretty odd, but also pretty delicious--just like my taste in music. Given the fine production of both music and edible delight in this context, you can call me cracker anytime. I don't mind.


  1. Sounds like a fun event!! When that band gets big and famous you can brag you've met them ;)

    Thanks for the cracker review! I've never had raw food so I appreciate it!

  2. Cracker makes me nostalgic for the 90's (love)

    I've seen a couple of recipes for flaxseed crackers and seeing as the ready ones aren't available anywhere near me, I might give those recipes a go ;)

    P.S. Love your blogtitle! xD

  3. Call me a crazy cracker, but I think they look delicious! Considering they were raw and from a health food store, I'm pretty sure they were $20 an ounce, but still look delicious!

    And your hair/sunglasses are tres chic, sister...
