Peanut butter and banana sammie
And for snackies...
crackers and string cheese for pete's sake
Dang I pack a lot of food!
For dinner, we had a classic! Now, understand, that growing up in my house, we DID NOT eat casseroles. Neither of my parents like them and they both like to blame it on the other one. Actually, I think my mom just doesn't like to make them, it's my dad who actually doesn't like to eat them. We never ate a lot of packaged foods, so I'd never eaten mac n cheese out of a box until I went to college. I'd also never eaten ramen noodles, pop tarts, lunchables or Taco Bell, either, and I probably haven't eaten those items since :) So, needless to say, stuff like this wasn't really on the menu.
Presenting ghetto tuna casserole. Made with
I added some peeeeas, and a can of tuna,too. I had to laugh when I dumped out the powdered cheese packet.
Can you guys see how BRIGHT orange this is? Ha Ha! Definitely not a natural color. Oh well. Obviously, I did not make this according to the package directions (what? directions?). I just added a little bit of skim milk and a spinkl-y of Parmesan cheese before mixing it all together.
Topped off with some diced tomato and red pepper flakes. You can see the broccoli poking through--I ate this on top of my leftover roasted broccoli from the other night. Yum.
And to finish off my decidedly elementary evening, I made a delicious artificial and chemically laden bowl of rockstar pudding. Yes rockstar. That's what it's called when you add the world's best toppings: sliced banana and sprinkles. You can never have too many sprinkles. :)
For all my childish eating, I don't feel too bad about today. I managed to make everything pretty healthy, even if it was a little more processed than usual. How about you guys? Any grade-school favorites that you still like to indulge in, or any you make healthier now? I talked about my fluffernutters a while ago, and now this. I think I have childhood on the brain! Excuse me, I need to go find some more sprinkles....