Friday, October 9, 2009

Freaky Food Friday Round Seven aka He Loves Me

Whew! It has been one crazy week! I feel like I've been a little absent from the blog world, but I have about a bazillion pics and posts that I'll get a handle on for ya soon, I promise! Fridays are my extra days off, and I LOVE having a three day weekend, but I seem to always smash as much as I can into them. Just because I'm not at work doesn't mean I'm not working, I guess. Today I've been running all over to different appointments (Annual exam, boo. Hair did, yay!), grocery stores, and lots of little errands in addition to cleaning my house and trying to straighten up.

We're having a housewarming party this weekend, and I'm
uber-excited. I've never actually had a party before, so it will be interesting to see if anyone shows up. I'm kind of nervous about it! I wish all of my bloggie friends could come, cuz that would be one high-larious (and delicious) get together for sure! I know one gal who's stopping by, and anyone else who's local is totally invited, too.

, even with all the fun recipes and products I've been testing lately, I was really having trouble thinking of something to fill my Freaky Food Friday post this week. Luckily I had a very special helper. You guys probably know how much I adore my husband since I hardly ever call him by his real name--usually it's sweet face or cutie pie or something along those lines. He is amazing. But you may not know how much he loves me. Here's how much:
  • My baby loves me so much that he will bring home two different types of ice cream from the store just to make sure he got the right kind.
  • He loves me so much that he will make me tea or a special EmergenC concoction when I call him to tell him I'm on my way home after a long day.
  • He will give me a back/shoulder/neck/foot rub any time I ask him or give him a pouty lip face.
  • He will always eat what I make him even if it's weird or new or doesn't have any meat in it.
  • He listens to me cry, mope and bitch about my work, my food and my body and never once has told me just to suck it up.
  • He offers me never-ending support in everything I do, whether it's cooking a new dish, running a 10k, taking a yoga class, starting my blog or working through the most tedious parts of recovery.
  • He will wander around Target with me for an hour while I try to decide which eye shadow I want.
  • And when I mention that I have NOTHING for my Freaky Food Friday, he will go to our local whackadoodle Pirate ship, I mean shop, on his lunch break and find me the weirdest damn food he can think of.
Ever since I tried that chocolate bacon bar a while ago, he seems to think I have an obsession for all things bacon. So I ended up with not only bacon flavored mints but bacon flavored gumballs as well. Now I may be an Experimentarian to the max, but I was VERY unsure if I could stomach these puke-ishly porky finds....I actually tried to eat one of the mints just now. Um...the box smelled JUST like bacon. Weird, minty bacon. Bacon grease and chewing gum. Sorry babe! I couldn't do it! Maybe after the nausea fades, I will chance the chewing gum.

Luckily, he also got me some of this Love Potion number 69
with very creative/dirty/borderline inappropriate messages on the bottle (yeah, that's definitely what she said!).
And also this big hunk of chocolate bar. What do you mean it's not for girls??? Well, it most certainly is, because I had a little piece and even shared it with my own hunk. It was quite delicious! I'm guessing a biscuit is like a cookie because that's what was sprinkled throughout this bar, along with little chunks of yummy raisins and loads of chewy and dense chocolate. So good! Don't worry, I'm sure we'll be sampling the Love Potion a little later on this weekend. I'll let you know if it works (*wink*)!

P.S. My husband also loves me so much that when I come home with RED hair after 5 hours at the salon for pete's sake, the first thing he does is give me a BIG kiss! Guess we won't be needing that love potion after all...
Love you baby! Happy weekend everyone! Fun plans? xoxo


  1. When I like something, I like to share it with others. And I totally think that showing your gratitude to your hubby rocks, girl. I am single, and enjoying it. Yet I appreciate how solid partnerships inspire each person to SHINE.

    Have fun!

    Bacon goods? Not so much...Have fun at your housewarming!!!

  3. Bacon flavored mints?? What in the world??

    And your husband sounds like such a sweetie! your a lucky girl :)

    And you look beautiful with your hair color! I got red highlights.. I like them for fall!

    And thanks for all the sweet comments you always leave me.. they always make my day! :D

  4. Bacon mints? Huh....

    Your husband sounds great!

    Your hair is beautiful!

  5. You went back to your roots! It looks wonderful! Although, I won't be going back to blonde any time soon :P

    Is it wrong I really want to try the bacon mints? Maybe you can sprinkle some on a caesar salad?? :P

  6. Wow. You have a beautiful glow to your complexion and hair. Your hubby is sweet. When I come back with new hair, my BF hardly even notices it. Maybe I should do something drastic.

  7. ummm i am LOVING your hair! seriously. i always wanted red hair, but red hair + curly hair does not equal okay. you two are too cute!

  8. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU WITH RED HAIR!!! Keep it! You look more beautiful than ever! It fits your personality and illuminates your features.

  9. as a fellow redhead I have to say - love the hair. And what a sweet ode to hubby's - he sounds an awful lot like mine - except for the ice cream thing ( he doesn't even know my favorite flavor :) of course I do have a tendency to change favorites like monthly.... what can I say, all ice cream has a right to be savored and enjoyed...I'm sorry, what were we talking about again?

  10. D is a sweetie! so glad i got the chance to meet him and see your lovely casa. those bacon things ARE freaky. love you so much!! and your new do!
